In-House Installer Assistant fire protection Durban North Rneg



West Coast Personnel

Job Ref:


Date posted:

Thursday, November 10, 2022


Durban, South Africa



In-House Installer Assistant fire protection Durban North Rneg


In-House Installer Assistant fire protection

Durban North Rneg


Fire Prevention and Systems company seeks a In-House Installer Assistant to assist with installing systems in line with standards, complying with OSHEM and operational compliance requirements and maintaining and utilising stock and equipment appropriately. We require someone who can fulfil the competencies as required and has the necessary skillset including welding to effectively assistant. Grade 12, 2 years field experience in fire protection is required and solid Welding experience.

Key Performance Areas:

System Installation Supervision, OSHEM and Compliance, Stock and Equipment Maintenance




NB! This job is now closed. You can apply for other jobs by uploading your CV.




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